I am delighted to be on the other side of the inauguration of a president who isn’t an utter moron and see that DC wasn’t overrun by mobs of Truck Nutz enthusiasts. I didn’t watch any of the live streams of the inauguration out of superstitious dread that something awful was bound to happen if I did. It’s the same sort of superstition that I apply to important pitches during baseball games; if I watch every pitch something truly horrific is going to happen and if something glorious happens then, well, that’s what replays are made for. The ick in the White House has been scrubbed away at least until the impeachment begins.

Some things to keep in mind for tomorrow when the sense of immediate relief wears off and we need to start worrying about the aftermath:

1. Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote an excellent piece in the Atlantic about how white supremacy was the only consistent unifying thread of Trumpism that you should really read. Even if the content wasn’t pressingly relevant, Coates is such a gifted writer that it is well worth a once over even if you don’t want to invest another smidgen of mental capacity trying to understand what the fuck happened in the United States over the past 4 (italics for sarcasm) years. The expulsion of their poster boy from a seat of power doesn’t lessen their numbers or anything.

2. Of course, Dear Leader had to be persuaded not to promiscuously hand out pardons that might put him in danger both politically and legally. Shameless until the very end.

3.Telcom lobbyist Ajit Pai is out of the FCC which is good news for everyone who leans heavily on an unrestricted internet which, these days, is everyone who does anything and is another thing worth celebrating. Seriously, fuck that guy.

4. The Q cults don’t know which crazy lies to believe now! This would be a lot more funny if there weren’t so damned many of them. I am enjoying the slapstick comedy of watching the Q-anon folks alternately deciding to viciously turn on each other or that maybe Joe Biden is Q.