I’ve been quiet for an extended stretch. I think that utter inertia and borderline despair that affected so many folks during the various lockdowns, open back ups, and subsequent hasty retreats that we’ve lived through over the past year finally settled on me in a bigger way than I ever could have anticipated. I’ve been a wreck lately. Most nights I am in bed before 9 PM because I can’t think of a single good reason to stay awake and I’m exhausted about it.

The pulverizing Primitive Man put out a monolithically heavy record this year that is so perfect for this dark and claustrophobic year that it’s almost too on the nose. I’ve listened to this record a ton since it was released and it cathartic if only by proxy. I’ve barely picked up a guitar since the real lockdowns started and when the hope of this just being a month or two lark started to dissipate. Give them a couple of listens. They’re a local band for me for whatever that is worth. Maybe grab some stuff from their Bandcamp as well since folks gotta eat.