After finishing up the WordPress after spending too much time and effort trying to force Serendipity to function in ways that it really wasn’t intended to. I basically like s9y but decided that I no longer had the time I would otherwise dedicate to writing what potentially were interesting things here to mucking around with the backend of Serendipity. I enjoyed using it after so many years of WP but ultimately took the easier option to keep what I do here more enjoyable and less cumbersome.

One of the scariest parts about Serendipity is that it does not do a particularly good job at exporting entries especially for WordPress which doesn’t have any easy time importing s9y RSS. I ended up recreating all of the older posts manually which was equal parts fun and horrible like most things related to the web. All of time stamps are of course horrendously fucked up but I got most of the entries over nearly in spite of the new/horrible editor that is default in WordPress these days. I’ll need to chase down and repair all of the block quote and strikethrough stuff from earlier posts that I’m 100% sure broke after the rapid-fire copy/paste marathon that brought the old stuff over. I’m sure the Google bots are going to have a field day finding all of the broken shit but I feel like I accomplished something for myself today that wasn’t either doom scrolling the news or pointlessly mowing the lawn.