Some things I ran into while stumbling around the interwebs:

1. Uhmmm should be an mandatory installation for all companies who’ve decided to replace all of the pointless meetings we used to endure in person with virtual meetings where we’re expected to sit attentively while nothing really happens. I’ve been in a few working sessions that would have benefitted tremendously from being reminded that we didn’t need to be in a meeting in order to communicate during that work. A little elevator music to remind you that no one is saying anything or really paying attention to the meeting you’re stuck in? Sound fucking great.

2. TypeLit is a service that gives you practice typing while you literally (or should that be ‘literar-ily’) retype over classic novels. My typing speed wasn’t as quick as it might have otherwise been because I was reading the text while I was typing. For me, it’s most valuable as a hybrid experience that places actually reading the book somewhere in the mix.

3. Buy For Life is a great idea for cataloging products that are durable and not intended to use for a year or two and discard. The contents aren’t extensive yet but the inspiration behind this site are worthy of attention. I own a few of the things they feature but I think this is mostly because I tend to spend too much money on things and despise cheap crap for the most part. I’ll definitely check back here a few months from now to see what they’ve added. More useful things and less disposable garbage is something I can endorse.

4. If you play guitar, then check out Guitar Dashboard. I know nothing about music although I’ve played guitar for nearly thirty years and I picked up on some music theory concepts while fooling around with this tool.