Due to the unwillingness of our old pal Google and my hated phone carrier Sprint to work together, I’ve been without a phone for about 12 days now. The short story is that Sprint wouldn’t exchange phones under the Google warranty and since I didn’t purchase my Pixel 3 XL directly from the mothership, Google did the standard 2 day shipping warranty return which isn’t spectacular given the 7-10 days that they guarantee. I’m bitter about both of these blockages but the plain simple fact is that I haven’t had a phone for a very long time and I’m getting impatient with all parties involved.

This will be my very last phone with Sprint since they’ve gotten considerably less inexpensive and replaced by other carriers with unlimited data. Plus, I’m hoping to never have a representative, who was otherwise very nice, tell me that despite the fact that my phone is not in working order that I’m just going to have to mail it back to Google and wait patiently while I pay for phone service that I’m unable to use. Fuck every little part of that excepting the part that will motivate me to jump providers after six years. I also hope to never see these particular words together again:
Please be assured that the process will be completed withing the specified time frame of 5-10 business days from start to finish.
. Again, very nice but not helping with all the compliance required MFA that I’m not capable of doing. Sigh.