I overslept a bit this morning because my phone stopped being a phone and became a shiny black paperweight. After putting my phone on Pixel Stand last night and falling asleep, my phone decided to take a dirt nap about 3 hours later. I was incredibly frustrated as my super expensive flagship phone turned into garbage for what seems like software reasons. If I actually owned this phone it likely would’ve ended up smashed into malfunctional pieces. I don’t so I took my angst out on other things.
I woke up and decided that I was super tired of dealing with modern blogging software since most kinds have turned into CMS projects that I am completely disinterested in hammering into something resembling a blog. I was using Textpattern but didn’t feel like spending a bunch of time retooling the entire application just to suit my needs. I’m not really that interested in PHP development so my eyes glaze over pretty quickly. I took a quick trip to Anchor CMS land and didn’t like that so much either. I ended up on Serendipity because it did most of what I wanted straight out of the box and is much easier to modify than any of the others that I’ve rolled out albeit temporarily. I’m not super crazy about Markdown either so having issues just toggled to a code view was a deal breaker for me. This just does what I want it to and I can change the things I don’t like. Win!
So, much later today, I discovered that I’m going to be phoneless for something around 10 days which would be painful enough by itself but is made agonizing by the fact that I fucking live in systems connected to mandatory MFA these days. The Google support person I interacted with was completely nice but ultimately both Google and Sprint completely failed me.
Ah, I finally got an answer to whether needing to power wash my Pixelbook was my fault or something screwy in the Beta channel. I got bit by Play Store claims it has no network connection issue that I didn’t really see in any of the Android apps that I use. It was a nuisance though and something I probably wouldn’t have bothered working my way through if I wasn’t too exhausted to leave my couch last night. I’m mostly at fault for running the beta channel but I’m on board with being able to postpone updates in ChromeOS until I have time to research whether crazy amounts of shit is going to break. I’m back on the Stable channel for the moment. We’ll see how long that lasts.