Here are some clicky things I came across over the past few days and didn’t feel like writing too many words about:
1. PiBakery is a very timely discovery for me since I’m started plunking Raspberry Pis all over the place in my house. It’s an application to build Raspberry Pi OS (a name I can’t take entirely seriously) locally on either a Windows or Apple machine (there is a source package but I can’t seriously imagine myself building an Electron app from source) to preconfigure the install for minimal amount of futzing around afterwards. I kind of enjoy the manual builds but most people aren’t as excited about manually building servers. I plan on at least taking this for a test drive in the future.
2. Here’s an interesting examination of the what and why of VS Code becoming a dominant text editor. I rarely write anything more complex than Powershell and administrative Python scripts these days but I also have found VS Code to be pretty damned good. The me from twelve years ago is resenting this statement and I’m fine with that. I agree completely with their assessment of its growth and generally find simple editors with the ability to customize and add on to as the best outcome. A lot of editors began with this goal in mind but typically fail the can I quickly edit a text file without learning a whole new command set and a bunch of quirkily implemented features before hand test. It’s simple and can be made more complex if that’s your thing. Good stuff from a potentially questionable source. Microsoft is better (relatively) but the relativity of that is worth keeping an eye on.
3. The Blacklight privacy inspector is worth taking a look at even if you, at this crushingly late date operate under the assumption that you have nothing anyone would want to look at, because you routinely hand out information that you might not want to have out there and collated by someone else. It’s pretty creepy. Just try running your top visits through there and you’ll start thinking that it might be time to install a tool like Privacy Badger so you can feel a little less like a mark. A bunch of cash is changing hands and proves that having a complete picture of what people do online is easier to assemble than ever and maybe it’s something you want to protect.